A poll conducted by Echelon has found that while Republican voters are concerned with issues such as illegal immigration, lack of police resources, and high taxes, Democrat voters’ top concerns are supporters of President Trump, racism, and discrimination against LGBTQ people.
While 81% of Republican voters cited immigration as the top issue, 82% of Democrats said that ‘Trump’s supporters’ is their top issue at the moment.
Of the issues we presented to ALL respondents, the economic damage from COVID-19 is the top concern in large part because it is the most bipartisan – three-quarters of GOP and Dems are very/extremely concerned. pic.twitter.com/nhL8loHaw2
— Kristen Soltis Anderson (@KSoltisAnderson) February 24, 2021
A further 79% and 77%, respectively cited ‘white nationalism’ and ‘systemic racism’ as the issues they are most concerned about.
This is actually pretty incredible
It also shows how effectively the Democrats/media have marginalized the Bernie Bros and other substantive leftist concerns by instead spending their time dehumanizing Trump supporters https://t.co/wHggxBDuW3
— Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain) February 25, 2021
Commentators immediately noted that the results highlight how the Democratic Party and the leftist media has brainwashed liberals into purely caring about identity politics over substantive issues.
It should be noted that Echelon says it created a list of “likely primary issues” for supporters of each party.
To the full sample, we did test some items that have big party gaps. But when doing a survey, you want to be mindful of "respondent fatigue" – asking people to rank 30+ issues would be A LOT. So we created a list of issues that are "likely primary issues" for each party….
— Kristen Soltis Anderson (@KSoltisAnderson) February 24, 2021
But still, when collating the full range of issues, ‘Trump’s supporters’ was a top concern for Democrats:
Looking at the full range of issues asked of each side, Republicans still say illegal immigration and lack of police support are top concerns, while for Democrats concern about spread of COVID is top of the list, with Donald Trump's supporters" in second. pic.twitter.com/TQgKZgQ6Jy
— Kristen Soltis Anderson (@KSoltisAnderson) February 24, 2021
Also of note was the finding that those who identify as Trump supporters, rather then ‘party-first’ Republicans are more concerned about every issue:
When we look at the likely GOP primary issue concern broken out by whether people see themselves as "Trump supporters" or "Republican party supporters", we see Trump supporters more concerned about pretty much everything, but especially election fraud. pic.twitter.com/WW1GQQBha3
— Kristen Soltis Anderson (@KSoltisAnderson) February 24, 2021
Via Summit News