President Joe Biden was greeted by sarcastic chants of “Let’s go Brandon!” while surveying the damage in tornado-ravaged Mayfield, Kentucky, on Wednesday.
“Let’s go Brandon” is a euphemistic way of saying “F*** Joe Biden.”
The slogan became a viral sensation in October after an NBC reporter inaccurately described the chant “F*** Joe Biden!” roaring from the crowd at a NASCAR race as “Let’s go Brandon.” At the time, the reporter was interviewing winning driver Brandon Brown.
The mantra has since become a rallying cry among conservatives to express their disgust over how Biden’s irresponsible policies are destroying the country.
It’s telling that Kentucky residents who just weathered a devastating storm are so upset at the president that they can’t help but slam him even when he visits them on a contrived goodwill tour.
One Twitter user summed up the sentiments of countless Americans when she said, “Im sitting in my house looking at the destruction Biden is doing to our country……Worse than a hurricane.”
Im sitting in my house looking at the destruction Biden is doing to our country……Worse than a hurricane https://t.co/TYeYRhKKTl
— Sol🎬 (@Solmemes1) December 16, 2021
Several hecklers shouted “Let’s go Brandon!” as the career politician toured a crumbled street block.
"Let's Go, Brandon!" Biden's Warm Welcome As He Surveys Tornado Damage pic.twitter.com/NGWwZwUKgi
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) December 15, 2021
At one point, a protester shouted at Biden: “You’ve got blood on your hands, bub!”
“Let’s go Brandon” and “you’ve got blood on your hands” shouted at biden at his visit in Kentucky today.#FJBiden #Kentucky #LetsGoBrandon pic.twitter.com/smowXF75Wq
— חסידישע מידיא (@realhasidic) December 16, 2021
As the 79-year-old Democrat posed for selfies, one heckler yelled, “Where’s the children, pedophile? Where are they? Where’s the children?”
The protester added: “What the f*** are you here for?”
WARNING: The following video contain graphic language.
One heckler shouted towards the President as he posed for photos with the crown Mayfield, calling him a pedophile and asking "where's the children?" #biden #Mayfield #tornados
Video by Oliya Scootercaster pic.twitter.com/KFEzh0CZu0
— Scootercaster (@ScooterCasterNY) December 15, 2021
The jab was presumably a reference to Biden’s well-documented history of creepy, overly tactile encounters with small children.
The Biden administration is buckling under the weight of raging inflation, pandemic hysteria and intraparty buyers’ remorse.
With his poll numbers plunging to abysmal lows, there’s rampant speculation that Biden might not even run for re-election.
His multipronged failures have encouraged two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to come out of the woodwork to grab headlines.
Whoa. NPR/PBS Poll shows Democrats want Biden replaced for 2024.
44% want someone else
36% want Biden
20% unsurehttps://t.co/h3GU9lZrmJ— John Ashbrook (@JohnAshbrook) November 1, 2021
The Hill’s media reporter, Joe Concha, observed that “given how pathetic the field is on the Democratic side with or without Joe Biden, [Hillary] may just get a second chance at winning the office her husband so famously made infamous.”
If that happens, the 2024 election cycle will be an even bigger media circus than the 2016 and 2020 races were.
That means the public will be bombarded with nonstop media propaganda, unhinged political posturing and more protests and riots.
Can America survive such an onslaught during these tenuous times?
Via The Western Journal.