With his livelihood poisoned by the venom of liberal politics, the computer shop owner who found Hunter Biden’s former laptop computer is fighting back against those he says ruined his reputation.
John Paul Mac Isaac is filing suit against Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California, CNN, The Daily Beast and Politico, claiming that false statements about him led to the destruction of a business he had worked hard to build, according to the New York Post.
Mac Isaac said he was accused variously of stealing the computer or spewing Russian disinformation.
The accusations came during the heat of the 2020 presidential election when the contents of the computer first became public and when the emails that were on the computer were denounced as false. Since that time, the contents of the laptop have been accepted as authentic — even by media outlets that denounced them as false at the time.
Mac Isaac is seeking “at least $1 million in compensatory damages [and] punitive damages, which will be the much bigger number and will be determined at trial,” according to Brian Della Rocca, Mac Isaac’s attorney.
Mac Isaac received the computer in April 2019 from Hunter Biden, who never returned to pick it up. The FBI was given a copy of the hard drive in December 2019, and when nothing happened, it was shared with Rudy Giuliani, the lawyer for former President Donald Trump. The contents were then made public, leading to a firestorm of criticism against Mac Isaac, who is tired of being a punching bag.
“After fighting to reveal the truth, all I want now is for the rest of the country to know that there was a collective and orchestrated effort by social and mainstream media to block a real story with real consequences for the nation,” he said.
“This was collusion led by 51 former pillars in the intelligence community and backed by words and actions of a politically motivated DOJ and FBI,” he said. “I want this lawsuit to reveal that collusion and more importantly, who gave the marching orders.”
Mac Isaac said attempts to demean him as a way to belittle the significance of the findings were so successful that his business failed.
“Twitter initially labeled my action hacking, so for the first day after my information was leaked, I was bombarded with hate mail and death threats revolving around the idea that I was a hacker, a thief and a criminal,” Mac Isaac said.
Mac Isaac said Schiff lied about him on CNN by saying that everything taking place was orchestrated by Russia.
“Without any intel, the head of the intel committee decided to share with CNN and its viewers a complete and utter lie,” Mac Isaac said. “A lie issued in the protection of a preferred presidential candidate.”
“The fight to get to the bottom of who told everyone this was Russian disinformation is far more important for the nation than me clearing my name,” Mac Isaac said.
The suit said CNN is responsible for ruining his name.
“CNN’s broadcast of the false statement accuses the Plaintiff of committing an infamous crime, i.e., treason by working with the Russians to commit a crime against the United States of America by attempting to undermine American democracy and the 2020 Presidential election,” the suit said.
Mac Isaac has the support of The America Project, founded by retired Army Gen. Michael Flynn and others.
“[We are] honored to sponsor John Paul Mac Isaac in his fight against the injustice that has been done to him when the political elite coordinated with the leftist news media claiming the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation — which was a blatant lie,” the group said.
“The synchronized efforts of these parties to wield their words like weapons are evident through years-long continuous coverage that led to extreme public backlash against JP and the closing of his business.”
Via The Western Journal.