The 2020 presidential election was a “Machiavellian” masterpiece of deception and now judges are in a “rush” to move past the disputes, according to one of the top lawyers fighting for election accuracy and integrity.
According to Paul Bedard’s Washington Secrets column in the Washington Examiner, lawyer Sidney Powell expressed her thoughts on the fights over election results.
In fact, her multiple lawsuits in various states have contended that there was enough election fraud to steal the election victory from President Trump and give it to Joe Biden.
And she has hundreds of pages of evidence supporting her contentions.
To the fact that almost all of the judges who have ruled on the challenges to election results have rejected them she had a simple answer: “No judge has heard the evidence.”
Even the Supreme Court rejected a Texas lawsuit against other states, apparently falling under the Constitution’s direction that that court be the original court of jurisdiction for disputes between states, because of a “standing” issue. The conclusion was that Texas’ legitimate voters were not hurt if there were fraudulent votes in another state in a national election.
Her comments came in an interview with Todd Herman, who was sitting in for Rush Limbaugh on his program on Tuesday.
She explained that the court rulings would mean something if the judges had reviewed the facts.
“For them to dismiss our cases on any basis is absolutely ridiculous. We have just an extraordinary volume of evidence that you wouldn’t even put in the complaint stage of a normal case.”
She said the election outcome came because of “a masterful Machiavellian scheme.”
The Secrets column reported this week she released a 270-page catalog of evidence of election fraud that she has assembled so far.
She and other lawyers in the fight are urging President Trump or other officials to seize election machines and ballots in several states they allege utilized fraud to reach their vote totals.
Powell has been under verbal assault herself for her actions in trying to secure the truth about the election.
For example, her ally in court, Lin Wood, noted, “Wow! I hope Sidney Powell @SidneyPowell1 is okay after being called a ‘pathetic lawyer’ by @GeraldoRivera whose greatest professional accomplishment was the discovery of dirt & empty bottles in Al Capone’s vault.”
Various officials of states in which the elections have been challenged even have called for punishment for lawyers involved in cases that allege election fraud.
At threadreaderapp was posted a transcript of much of her interview.
There, she explained that one state previously has stopped counting ballots in the middle of the night – and then resumed. That was Florida in 2000, where hanging chads became the most popular phrase for weeks as George W. Bush and Al Gore fought for the victory.
But this year, at least five states triggered the same halt-wait-and-resume strategy.
“And they did it because the vote count for the Electoral College was about to hit 270 for President @realDonaldTrump,” the transcript explains, “because of the massive outpouring of votes for him that night.”
“By the next morning, multiple mathematicians had contacted me and told me they knew the algorithm that had been run to change the vote,” the explanation continues. “It was that obvious to people with mathematical expertise. It is a mathematical impossibility for 100’s of thousands of votes to show up for VP Biden alone, and to have been injected into the system the way that they were.”
The evidence includes “video of witnesses pulling suspect ballots out from under a table after they ran off all the observers,” the transcript explains. And there was evidence voting machines were counting 1.26 for every Biden vote, but only .74 for every Trump vote.
Actually the victory was so huge for President Trump that it broke the algorithm, forcing officials to actually stop counting ballots and “bring in ballots and try to back-fill,” she charged.
Via Wnd