Polls recently have shown that there’s significant buyer’s remorse among those who voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential race, with 20% saying they wouldn’t make that mistake again.
And polls from last winter showed that even in 2020, enough people would have withheld their support from Biden had they been aware of all the scandals involving him, and his son, Hunter, to leave him trailing in the race.
But now a new Emerson College poll shows if the 2024 race is another faceoff between President Trump and Biden, Trump wins.
The poll reveals that 47% disapprove of the job Biden is doing, and only 46% approve, a rating that has plunged for Biden since the last such poll, where he got 49% approval.
“Among Democratic voters, 60% said they would like to see Biden as the 2024 presidential nominee, 39% said they would rather it be someone else,” the polling report said, “Among Republican voters, a majority (67%) said that they would vote for former President Donald Trump in a hypothetical Republican primary with 7 other candidates.”
Gov. Ron DeSantis was the No. 1 GOP pick if Trump is not in the race, otherwise he joined names like Haley, Pence, Cruz, Hawley, Romney and Cotton among the also-rans.
In a hypothetical 2024 race rerun between Biden and Trump, “Trump is slightly favored with 47%, while Biden is at 46%,” the report said.
“Historically, the data reminds me of 1912 when Teddy Roosevelt failed to win the Republican nomination from then President Taft and created a third party dooming the Republican changes against Woodrow Wilson. This data suggests that Republicans want either Trump or a Trumpian candidate to be their nominee, or half of them may split from the party,” explained Spencer Kimball, director of Emerson College Polling.
“Regarding the upcoming 2022 midterm elections, it appears neither party has an enthusiasm advantage at this point, with 71% of Democrats and 69% of Republicans saying they are very likely to vote in the midterms,” the poll report said.
The poll also asked voters who they hold responsible for the war in Afghanistan, which Biden ended recently with a disastrous pullout from Kabul, where hundreds of Americans and billions of dollars worth of war machinery were abandoned.
Forty-nine percent said President George W. Bush is the most responsible, 24% identified Joe Biden as the most responsible, 18% said Barack Obama and only 10% said Donald Trump.
Also, half of voters think the United States should not recognize the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan. Only 21% say America should.
Via Wnd