Nearly every U.S. president has held political office before their Oval Office tenure.
Many have been members of the Senate, and more than a dozen were governors. A few have held posts such as secretary of the Navy and CIA director. And one even was on the Supreme Court after his presidency.
But now there’s a suggestion that Trump, who never held office before the presidency, in two years could be the next House speaker.
“Odds are increasing that Donald Trump could be the next speaker of the House,” wrote Peter Heck at DISRN.com.
He said Trump could have a “major role in the upcoming 2022 congressional elections, with a potential payoff that would greatly impact the future of President Biden’s term in office.”
He pointed out that a GOP majority in the House following 2022 could elect Trump.
“House rules allow for the majority to select someone from the outside to serve in the position,” Heck said.
Paul Bedard reported Monday in his “Washington Secrets” column the “buzz” was “Trump for speaker.”
“And what about former President Donald Trump? Aides said that he is focused on electing friendly Republicans in the 2022 election. And if it helps the GOP regain the majority, there is growing support for installing Trump as House speaker, allowed under House rules,” the report said.
He said the latest to join the campaign is Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles.
Martin told “Secrets”: “I’m serious. We need the Trump voters. With the possibility of having Donald Trump as speaker, conservative voter turnout would be through the roof nationwide.”
One of the first to join the discussion was former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon.
He suggested in February that Trump could return to the White House in 2024 by way of a two-year stint as speaker.
“Trump is a disrupter, but he has a long-term vision because I absolutely believe in the marrow of my bones that he will be our nominee in 2024,” Bannon told a group of Boston Republicans at a Lincoln Day Breakfast.
“He’ll come back to us. We’ll have a sweeping victory in 2022, and he’ll lead us in 2024,” he said, according to the Boston Herald.
Bannon said Trump could run for Congress in 2022 and then seek the speaker post, as Republicans are expected to regain the majority.
“We totally get rid of Nancy Pelosi, and the first act of President Trump as speaker will be to impeach Joe Biden for his illegitimate activities of stealing the presidency,” Bannon told the West Roxbury Ward 20 Republican Committee.
Bannon, through his popular video podcast “War Room,” has contended that evidence of election fraud collected through hearings in six swing states and other investigations shows Trump won. He argues that courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, did not address the evidence, instead dismissing the cases on procedural grounds such as standing and timing.
The idea of Trump as speaker originated with WND CEO Joseph Farah.
It was only four days after Joe Biden’s inauguration that he suggested: “In 2022, the American people are expecting Republicans to take the Congress back. It’s ever so close right now. Biden is not just making me sick, I’m sure he’s having the same effect on multitudes.
“What’s next? Once we have the House and Senate, we can impeach Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for high crimes and misdemeanors – not phony ones like they had to manufacture against President Trump, but real, weighty crimes.
“That would leave House Speaker Kevin McCarthy as president of the United States – only temporarily. As president, he could appoint anyone in the interim he chose as vice president. He would select Donald J. Trump in early 2023. Then McCarthy would resign, leaving Trump as president. After all, who would have more experience and wisdom?”
He warned, “America has much more than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to worry about. China is a real threat. And so is Big Tech.” And he said, “Nobody but Trump is up to the challenge.”
Via Wnd