A Bay Area, California Trump supporter infiltrated a group of far-left Antifa activists in Sonoma County, and documented the ‘anti-fascist’ group coordinating to target conservatives.
For example:
Group leader: “It’s May Day, baby, like come out and take, take somethin’ over with us, I don’t, I don’t (bleep)-ing know.”
Member: “Let’s kill people. (laughs)”
Group Leader: “Let’s kill some cops.”
Member: “Yeah.”
In an exclusive report by ABC7, the Republican infiltrator provided a “target list” and recordings of the group’s planning sessions, which may be connected to recent acts of vandalism – including an incident at the former home of a defense witness in the Derek Chauvin trial.
Former Santa Rosa Police Officer Barry Brodd testified as a use of force expert in the George Floyd trial, defending the actions of Derek Chauvin.
Brodd testified on April 13, “I felt that Derek Chauvin was justified.”
Four days later, masked figures in black threw a severed pig head and pig blood at the house where Brodd used to live in West Santa Rosa.
Lt. Jeneane Kucker of the Santa Rosa Police Department told the I-Team, “I know that the victims, in this case, feel threatened. And they don’t feel safe in their home.” –ABC7
Brodd, as it turns out, hasn’t lived at the address in more than a year. Local police, meanwhile, think the same group of Antifa activists may be responsible for coating a statue in a nearby shopping plaza with blood, accompanied by a sign which read “oink oink.”
“So, I saw that they were here, I read their manifesto, and I could tell that they were a threat to the community, and somebody needed to do something about this,” said the conservative infiltrator.
According to the manifesto – posted online for SoCo (Sonoma County) Radical Action: “Do not hesitate, do not wait … the brick in the street is meant to be thrown! The paint in the can is meant to be sprayed! The cop in your head is meant to be killed!”
The Trump supporter was able to join the group through encrypted messaging act Wickr.
More via ABC7:
Infiltrator: “I said, ‘Comrade, you know, I, I want to smash the system the same as you,’ you know, make them not feel alone, because that’s what they really want to hear to know that there’s more people like them.”
He saved messages, documents, and recordings of their meetings.
The I-Team has learned the group’s leader who goes by the screen name “Marb” is a 25-year-old college student, who was arrested for “felony assault on a police officer” last year at this Oakland riot after the death of George Floyd; the district attorney declined to file charges. The Trump supporter says he made this recording in March, when Marb discussed naming the group “SoCo Antifa.”
Marb: “It was originally SoCo Antifa and people didn’t like that, people didn’t like that we called ourselves Antifa.”
Member: “Well, more than that, they were like, we’re gonna get on the FBI watch list. Remember?”
Marb: “Yeah.”
Member: “They apparently have an eye out for that.”Marb also talked about that same hand statue being vandalized on other occasions.
Member: “Did someone use stencils? You know-”
Marb: “Freehand!”
Member: “Oh, really? Okay.”
Marb: “Yeah. It was actually a lot easier for this situation.”
Infiltrator: “So, this is the list here.“
What’s more, the infiltrator told ABC7 that he copied the group’s “target list” of people to “doxx” – posting private information including addresses and phone numbers in order to surveil them for potential acts of vandalism. For example, after Brodd’s testimony in the Chauvin trial, the Antifa group placed him at the top of the list. Within an hour, they attacked his former house.
“Hey y ‘all, late notice, but some comrades took action at a house owned by Barry Brodd and if someone could swing by in the morning and get pictures, our comrades would be very grateful!” posted Marb, after the attack on the wrong house.
The list also includes the head of the deputy sheriff’s union – part of what the group calls “killer deputies” – meaning officers involved in fatal confrontations as well as Trump supporters such as Sandy Metzger, head of Santa Rosa Republican Women Federated.
The recordings show the group has already checked out Metzger’s house.
Marb: “We went to Sandy Metzger’s house. (laughing)”
Member: “Yeah, we went to see the Metzger’s house, but it was too late at night to do any real observing.”
Marb: “We just wanted to see where it was.”
Member: “The place is huge.”
Once ABC7‘s Dan Noyes began investigating the group, they went into panic mode – writing in the encrypted chat: “Dan Noyes at ABC7 asking about SRA. …To firmly restate our position, nobody, myself included, should cooperate with press or cops.”