With friends like Kevin McCarthy and the GOP elites, who needs enemies?
GOP Minority leader Kevin McCarthy told House members last week that President Trump “bears responsibility” for the Capitol riots on January 6th.
McCarthy should be asked to explain his words.
After President Trump asked for a “peaceful” march to the US Capitol, how does that make him culpable for the ensuing riots that started before he was even finished with his speech?
The Democrats just stole a landslide victory from President Trump and America. They are quickly moving to silence all of their opposition online and in the public sphere. But the leaders of the GOP think it is best to attack President Trump?
On Thursday Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy flew to Mar-a-Lago to meet with President Trump. It’s not clear what the two men talked about but they put out a joint statement after their visit. President Trump promised to help Republicans in the 2022 elections.
“Trump has agreed to work with @GOPLeader on helping the Republican Party become a majority in the House. They worked well together in the last election & picked up at least 15 seats when most predicted it would be the opposite. They will do so again, & work has already started” pic.twitter.com/BeaAYQnqbw
— ??Maggie VandenBerghe?? (@FogCityMidge) January 28, 2021