Buyer regrets aren’t uncommon. Impulse buying is a routine factor in the American economy, as catchy ad slogans or impressive display images can impress. But it’s relatively simple to return or donate that unflattering article of clothing, that now-unwanted furniture.
There even are options for undoing major purchases like used cars, although those paths may come with a higher cost.
But it’s not so easy when the buyer’s remorse is over the presidential election.
And that’s what Americans are facing, according to Paul Bedard’s Washington Secrets.
“Regrets: Trump would beat Biden today, more women and blacks support,” he wrote. “A slew of new polls have come out this week showing the shrinking support for and approval of President Joe Biden, his average now below 50%.”
He continued, “But today, Rasmussen Reports is issuing the capper, telling Secrets that in an election do-over, Biden would lose to former President Donald Trump. By a six-point margin, 43%-37%, likely voters would pick Trump over Biden ‘if the next presidential election were held today.'”
Details reveal that the Democrat-weighted survey confirmed Trump would win more votes from both women and blacks than were counted in the 2020 race.
“The survey comes at a key point in Biden’s presidency. He is now under fire for bungling America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, increasing inflation, and spiraling crime,” Bedard explained.
It confirms the belief that Biden’s victory was a result of a series of “but for” circumstances. For example a poll shortly after the close election – which was decided by a few tens of thousands of votes in few specific states – showed one in six Biden voters in seven swing states would not have voted for Biden “if they had been aware of one or more of the news stories presented to them.
The poll, by The Polling Company and commissioned by the Media Research Center, asked about eight stories “the liberal news media had failed to cover properly.”
MRC concluded a “shift of this magnitude would have changed the outcome in all six of the swing states won by Joe Biden.”
The poll found 82% of Biden voters were unaware of at least one of the news items and 5% were unaware of all of them.
The poll, conducted online Nov. 9-18, surveyed 1,750 Biden voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
“The most basic principle of our electoral system is that our leaders are chosen by the people themselves,” MRC said. “But if the people are given systematically one-sided information, with crucial facts omitted, then the real power to choose has been stolen from them.”
Five of the eight stories were about Trump accomplishments that were suppressed by media.
The percentage of Biden voters who were not aware of each of the following news stories:
- (45.1%) Hunter Biden’s financial dealings with foreign countries
- (49%) Third quarter annualized GDP growth of 33.1% – the highest rate of growth ever
- (39.4%) The creation of more than 11 million new jobs May-September 2020
- (43.5%) The negotiation of multiple peace agreements between Arab nations and Israel and the subsequent Nobel Peace Prize nominations
- (35.4%) The sexual assault accusation against Joe Biden from the 1990s
- (25.3%) Sen. Kamala Harris being rated the most left-wing senator, even to the left of Sen. Bernie Sanders
- (36.1%) The $10 billion Operation Warp Speed public-private partnership to expedite the development and production of COVID-19 treatments and vaccines
- (50.5%) The U.S. achieving energy independence under President Trump.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll on Wednesday showed 45% of respondents strongly disapprove of Biden, to only 26% who strongly approve, giving him an “Approval Index” rating of minus-19.
That was minus-18 only 24 hours earlier.
The results come from telephone surveys of 500 likely voters per night, and are reported on a three-day rolling average basis.
Via Wnd