You may have forgotten the name John Paul Mac Isaac, but a lot of people haven’t — and because of that, he might have to file for bankruptcy.
In an interview with the New York Post, Mac Isaac, the Delaware computer repair shop owner who brought Hunter Biden’s toxic laptop to the attention of the FBI and the wider world, said he needed police presence outside his store “all the time” and has had numerous issues dealing with the government since he entered the public eye.
It’s worth noting that if Big Tech and the liberal media had their way, we wouldn’t even know who Mac Isaac was. When the Post broke the story about the laptop belonging to the son of then-presidential candidate Joe Biden in October 2020, it was locked out of its Twitter account and sharing its articles was nearly impossible because of social media censorship. The rest of the media tried to avoid covering it at all.
(Here at The Western Journal, we were on top of the story from the beginning — both in terms of the contents of the laptop and the censorship that followed. We’ll continue calling out mainstream media censorship whenever it happens — and you can help us by subscribing.)
In the interview, published Saturday, the Post reported Mac Isaac’s life “was completely upended after the laptop contents became public in a series of reports by The New York Post in October 2020.”
“The laptop came into Mac Isaac’s possession after the future president’s son dropped it off for repairs in April 2019 and never came back,” it said. “The hard drive contained a trove of emails, text messages, photos and financial documents between Hunter Biden and his family and business associates. The files show a laundry list of shady business deals around the world with Hunter Biden looking to cash in on his family and connections.”
After Mac Isaac provided the hard drive to the FBI and other officials, he passed it to Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer for then-President Donald Trump. Given the atmosphere, it wasn’t long before he was facing attacks.
Mac Isaac originally shut down his Wilmington shop on Nov. 5, 2020 — two days after the presidential election. He headed out west to visit relatives for a year and attended woodworking school.
“I was getting a lot of death threats,” he said.
“I had to have a Wilmington trooper parked in front of my shop all the time.”
“There were multiple situations where people came in and you could tell they were not there to have a computer fixed. And if there were not other people in the shop, I don’t know what would have happened,” Mac Isaac said.
“I was having vegetables, eggs, dog s*** thrown at the shop every morning.”
However, even after he closed down the shop, Mac Isaac said he was having unusual problems with the federal government, especially with getting unemployment.
“I would open up a case, wouldn’t hear anything, then open another case, then open another case, and then I was told to stop opening up cases. And they would keep closing these cases,” he told the Post.
He ended up finally getting the benefits after contacting Delaware Sen. Chris Coons, a Democrat.
“I would hate to think that I was singled out in a politically motivated attack. If a state agency was weaponized to punish a perceived political enemy, the country has a right to know,” Mac Isaac said in what the Post described as “a pointed letter.”
He also said a tax invoice he received from the Internal Revenue Service was “fishy.”
“I got an invoice on Sept. 6, 2021, for a tax return in 2016. I took it to an accountant friend of mine who said they don’t go back that far unless they’re looking for something,” Mac Isaac said.
The cost? A total of $57.75, something he quickly paid.
“We have all seen how weaponized the IRS has become over the last decade, so I wasn’t about to pick a fight,” he said.
Mac Isaac was referring, of course, to the shenanigans of the IRS under the Obama administration, where Exempt Organizations Unit director Lois Lerner faced accusations of targeting conservative groups.
“I think it looks rather fishy,” he said of the invoice.
“I have been punished for my actions on so many levels, both to hurt me personally and to set an example for anyone else that might try to blow the wrong whistle.”
Mac Isaac also has another bill to worry about in the form of $175,000 in legal fees he has to pay to Twitter after he sued it for censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story.
A judge dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice, sticking him with the social media giant’s legal bill.
“Bankruptcy looks like my only option,” Mac Isaac said, given his main source of income is odd jobs.
“A buddy of mine does estate clean outs, manual labor. I helped a neighbor redo their porch and I’m trying to do more with woodworking,” he told the Post.
Reality bytes: Hunter Biden's laptop repairman harassed, nearly bankrupt https://t.co/5d62ynEsOC pic.twitter.com/vMzRIglegY
— New York Post (@nypost) March 12, 2022
Perhaps he should try painting. That seems to have worked out well for Hunter Biden.
Social media and establishment media pretended that the contents of the laptop might have been a Russian disinformation campaign even when they obviously weren’t. Now, they pretend those contents don’t matter despite texts, emails, photos and phone calls that indicate the current president knew a lot more about his son’s influence-peddling than the don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy they have pretended Joe and Hunter had.
The person who’s arguably suffered most from Hunter Biden’s toxic MacBook is Mac Isaac himself. Beyond bankruptcy, we have the specter of IRS targeting and political retribution — and in a form that likely couldn’t be substantiated if true.
When most of us have forgotten his name, it seems all the wrong people still remember it.
Via The Western Journal.