One third of the nation believes that Joe Biden won the presidency due to election fraud, according to a Monmouth poll released on Monday.
The number is even larger amongst Republicans, 72 percent of whom believe that the election was rigged.
The polling firm also found that ten percent of America will never accept Biden as president.
“This result is virtually unchanged from November when 34% believed that fraud determined the outcome or that Biden’s victory would be overturned. Fully 72% of Republicans persist in believing that Biden’s win is due to voter fraud. Among Americans who still believe Trump lost due to fraud, nearly two-thirds say it is time to move on, but one-third of this group – which equates to 10% of all American adults – say they will never accept Biden as president,” Monmouth reports.
Approximately two thirds of the people who believe the election was stolen still think that it is time to accept Biden and move on.
The pollsters found that “fifty-four percent said they were “very confident” in its integrity, up 10 points from November, while those who were ‘not at all’ confident dipped slightly from 29 percent to 25 percent in the same period.”