Ronna McDaniel won’t back a 2024 Presidential run by President Trump at this time. She wants to stay neutral.
After President Trump named her as the Republican Chairwoman, McDaniel can’t say whether she’d back President Trump should he make a run for President in 2024.
The Chicago Sun Times reports:
The head of the Republican National Committee on Wednesday declined to encourage former President Donald Trump to run for the White House in 2024, saying the GOP would stay “neutral” in its next presidential primary.
In an interview, RNC Chairman Ronna McDaniel also described the pro-Trump conspiracy theory group known as QAnon as “dangerous.”
The national GOP, under McDaniel’s leadership, spent the past four years almost singularly focused on Trump’s 2020 reelection. But should he run again in 2024 — and he has publicly and privately suggested he wants to — the national party infrastructure would not support his ambitions over other prospective candidates in accordance with party rules, she said.
“The party has to stay neutral. I’m not telling anybody to run or not to run in 2024,” McDaniel told The Associated Press when asked whether she wanted to see Trump run again in the next presidential election. “That’s going to be up to those candidates going forward. What I really do want to see him do, though, is help us win back majorities in 2022.”
McDaniel will likely go down as the most unimpressive and lost major party committee head in history. She sat back and watched the greatest win in Presidential election history get stolen and did and said almost nothing. The President won by some estimates more than 80 million votes to much less for Joe Biden, but his team stole the election and McDaniel and the Republicans sat back and did nothing.
When the election was stolen, rather than raise holy hell like any rationale person, McDaniel remained silent. Trump made McDaniel and she lacks the wisdom and humility to even acknowledge it. Due to her efforts there is now talk of creating a new party because of the lack of support and real anger from McDaniel’s party at the President for even suggesting the election was stolen.
Big Media would not report the Big Lie. Big Tech covered it up and censored anyone who did. The Democrats tried to change the narrative to – Trump and his supporters are violent. The FBI wouldn’t investigate any election crimes despite more evidence of crimes than ever in our history. The DOJ wouldn’t prosecute obvious crimes. The courts wouldn’t hear any cases. And McDaniel said almost nothing.
The Republican Party is lost with McDaniel at the helm. In a world where the Democrats steal a record setting election from the President, McDaniel’s Republicans want to be friends with the criminals rather than back the President.
No wonder people are serious about starting another party.
(PS. I bet those coffers aren’t filling very fast after the way the Republicans treated President Trump in his last days after his election was stolen.)