Chase Bank has apologized for the cancellation letter posted by retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, claiming “we made an error.”
Flynn, who briefly served as national security adviser under former President Donald Trump, posted on his Telegram social media page Sunday an image of a letter from the bank stating in part “we decided to close your credit cards on September 18, 2021 because continuing the relationship creates possible reputational risk to our company.”
On Tuesday, Chase, after declining comment Monday, contacted TheBlaze with a statement of apology and admission of error.
TheBlaze reported the statement Tuesday from the Chase spokesman referred to the customer as “her”: “We’ve contacted our customer to let her know that we made an error and we apologized for any inconvenience this caused.”
In his Telegram retort to Chase on Sunday, TheBlaze noted, Flynn didn’t say the Chase letter was sent to him personally, accusing the bank only of “persecuting my family and I.”
Further, the recipient’s first name and address are blacked out in the image of the letter Flynn posted, leaving only the name “Flynn,” meaning the account holder could be his wife, Lori.
‘Cancel culture nonsense’
Tuesday on Telegram, Flynn said to supporters he wanted to “sincerely thank everyone for your unwavering support for my family and I over this Chase Bank cancel culture nonsense.”
“We’ll fight through it like everything else we’ve experienced these past six years,” he said. “If Chase had any commonsense and gave serious thought to the current environment, instead of attacking my family because of our differing political views, they should immediately create a fund for the recently and tragically killed service members and those family members left behind.”
Flynn said Chase “probably doesn’t understand what the term Gold Star means but it is an unimaginably difficult time for the family members of those left behind.”
“My family and I are blessed because we are alive and have each other,” he said. “I pray Chase Bank and all their cancel culture partners think twice about what they are doing to destroy the fabric of our constitution. Trust me, the heart and soul of America will NEVER be broken. We the people will prevail.”
‘Full blown woke’
On Sunday, reacting to the cancellation letter from Chase, Flynn said the bank “has gone full blown woke!”
“They need to deal with their own reputation instead of persecuting my family and I,” he wrote.
He then referenced the Justice Department’s case against him in the Russia investigation, which the DOJ dropped after Flynn and his laywer, Sidney Powell, presented evidence he was “ambushed” by FBI agents after the bureau concluded it didn’t have a case.
“DOJ dropped my case for their own egregious government misconduct, appears you weren’t that lucky with the DOJ,” he wrote on Telegram, directing his words to Chase Bank.
Last September, Chase agreed to pay $920 million to resolve criminal charges brought by the DOJ in connection with schemes to defraud precious metals and U.S. Treasuries markets.
“I guess my America First political views don’t align with yours. Your loss,” Flynn wrote on Telegram.
Ashley Dodd, Chase’s executive director of communications, did not respond to an email from WND asking her to specify how Flynn posed a “reputational risk” to the bank.
🚨🚨BREAKING: Chase Bank cancels its credit card accounts with General Flynn citing possible “reputational risk” to their company. In case there was any doubt what is happening in this country. @TracyBeanzOfficial pic.twitter.com/GIyQHXgW9l
— Regina Hicks (@reginahicksreal) August 29, 2021
The closure of Flynn’s accounts recalls Wells Fargo shuttering the account of Trump supporter and America First activist Lauren Witzke, who was mysteriously left with zero balance without any warning in June, as WND reported.
‘Offline harm’
Twitter permanently banned Flynn’s account two days after the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol for “behavior that has the potential to lead to offline harm.”
A Twitter spokesman told Fox News at the time that Flynn’s tweets were related to alleged ties to the conspiracy website QAnon and calls to violence.
The accounts, according to a Twitter spokesman who spoke with NBC News, violated a “policy on Coordinated Harmful Activity.”
“We’ve been clear that we will take strong enforcement action on behavior that has the potential to lead to offline harm, and given the renewed potential for violence surrounding this type of behavior in the coming days, we will permanently suspend accounts that are solely dedicated to sharing QAnon content,” the spokesman said.
In March, Flynn’s brother Jack Flynn, filed a $75 million defamation lawsuit against CNN for claiming he and his brother and other family members were pledging an oath to QAnon in a video posted on Twitter.
The suit states that after “the January 6 storming of the Capitol, a chorus of left-wing media outlets began to spread false narratives about QAnon, including that Jack Flynn’s brother, retired Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn (‘General Flynn’), was the ‘founder’ of QAnon.”
Countering the “insurrection” narrative by establishment media and politicians, law enforcement sources told Reuters earlier this month the FBI believes there was no coordinated grand scheme by Trump supporters to attack the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 and overthrow the 2020 election.
‘Why does it feel like we are losing?’
Flynn’s criticism in 2015 of the U.S. handling of the war in Afghanistan following his service as intelligence director for the NATO coalition in Afghanistan prompted a Washington Post investigation, called “The Afghanistan Papers.”
The probe found that the U.S government largely had misled the public, communicating optimism while holding private reservations.
“From the ambassadors down to the low level, [they all say] we are doing a great job,” Flynn told government investigators, according to documents reported in the Post investigation. “Really? So if we are doing such a great job, why does it feel like we are losing?”
Flynn served as the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency under President Obama until he was forced out in 2014 after differences with James Clapper, then the director of national intelligence.
“I was fired … after telling a congressional committee that we were not as safe as we had been a few years back,” Flynn wrote in his memoir, “The Field of Fight.”
Via Wnd