White House press secretary Jen Psaki shocked viewers during a Tuesday news conference when she declared that the Biden administration plans to go door to door to browbeat unvaccinated Americans to get their coronavirus injections.
The alarming move is part of President Joe Biden’s “targeted” plan to push the vaccine on those who haven’t yet received it, she said.
Psaki said Biden would speak to the American people later Tuesday about “the importance of every eligible American getting vaccinated.”
“The president will outline five areas his team is focused on to get more Americans vaccinated,” she said.
No. 1 on Biden’s list: “Targeted, community-by-community, door-to-door outreach to get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.”
Many Twitter users were outraged by what Psaki was suggesting: Agents of the federal government will be knocking on people’s doors to intimidate them into getting vaccinated for a virus with a 99 percent survival rate.
“The Germans went door to door in the 40s,” one person noted.
The Germans went door to door in the 40s
— Tiger (@Tiegah_) July 6, 2021
Another wondered if the conspiracy theories are true and that the vaccines are a means to track people and keep tabs on them.
J. Michael Waller, a senior analyst at the Center for Security Policy, remarked: “If the central government isn’t keeping databases on everyone — the core of a vaccine passport — how will they know which doors to go to?”
If the central government isn't keeping databases on everyone – the core of a vaccine passport – how will they know which doors to go to? https://t.co/dHOQfqLOCu
— J Michael Waller (@JMichaelWaller) July 6, 2021
One woman verbalized the unspoken thoughts of numerous Americans when she tweeted, “They are tracking your personal vaccine status and releasing it to strangers to knock on your door. How is this not a violation of HIPAA?”
They are tracking your personal vaccine status and releasing it to strangers to knock on your door
How is this not a violation of HIPAA? https://t.co/PflTsPWZoY
— Merissa Hamilton (@merissahamilton) July 6, 2021
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is a federal statute signed into law in 1996 by then-President Bill Clinton.
One of HIPPA’s aims is to prevent the disclosure of a patient’s sensitive health information without his or her consent or knowledge.
Sending in federal stormtroopers to bang on people’s doors to check their vaccination status sounds like a violation of HIPAA as well as a gross abuse of patient confidentiality.
Republican congressional candidate Joe Kent of Washington remarked that the door-to-door vaccination checks are merely a means for the authoritarian Biden administration to “determine loyalty to the regime” because it’s common knowledge that you can get vaccinated at your local drug store.
Door to door to determine loyalty to the regime. https://t.co/PAAcvoHw0M
— Joe Kent for WA-3 (@joekent16jan19) July 6, 2021
About 67 percent of U.S. adults have received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine as of Sunday, according to NPR. This is slightly below Biden’s stated goal of 70 percent.
About 157 million Americans have voluntarily received both doses; that’s almost 50 percent of the entire population.
Even critics of former President Donald Trump concede that he deserves recognition and praise for getting the vaccine completed in record time.
However, there are numerous Trump supporters and other Americans who remain leery of the injections, especially because the coronavirus is not deadly or even dangerous to the vast majority of people.
After spending the past four years screeching that Trump was “authoritarian” and “fascist,” it’s farcically ironic and hypocritical that the Biden White House now wants to knock on Americans’ doors to make sure they are vaccinated.