Pulling no punches, former President Donald Trump excoriated President Joe Biden and his stumbling administration at his Save America rally in Delaware, Ohio, on Saturday night.
“In this moment together, we’re standing up against some of the most menacing forces, entrenched interests, and vicious opponents our people have ever seen or fought against,” Trump told his rally, which aired live on Newsmax. “Despite great outside powers and dangers, our biggest threat remains the sick, sinister, and evil people from within our own country.
“There is no threat as dangerous to democracy as they are. Just look at the un-select committee of political hacks and what they’re doing to our country while radical-left murderers, rapists, and insurrectionists roam free: Nothing happens to them.
“But no matter how big or powerful these corrupt radicals may be, you must never forget this nation does not belong to them. This nation belongs to you. This is your home. This is your heritage, and your great American liberty is your God-given right.”
Trump took particular aim at Biden’s struggles and embarrassing moments of late.
“We have a president right now, sadly, who has absolutely no idea what the hell is happening,” Trump said. “He’s shaking hands with the air. He’s walking around, somewhat bewildered.”
Trump referenced an incident Monday where the Easter Bunny was redirecting the president away from answering reporters’ questions during a children’s Easter event.
“It’s no good, and he’s taking orders from the Easter Bunny,” Trump continued. “You saw that one?
“You know, the Easter Bunny was a political operative. He did a good job, actually, that guy. We should hire that guy. He was very good. He said, ‘No, no, don’t talk, don’t talk; don’t talk to those people.’
“And [Biden is] doing all of this while [Vladimir] Putin does nothing but talk about nuclear weapons and destroying the world. We have our signals very crossed in our country. We have never had a situation like this.”
Trump blasted the “energy war” under Biden in the U.S., as Russia is waging war on Ukraine.
“Our country is being run by a deranged group of extremists — the treacherous crusade against American energy and Ohio energy,” Trump added.
While the Biden administration has attempted to blame gas prices and inflation on “Putin’s price hike,” Trump noted his administration did not have the struggles Biden has given everyday Americans.
“We had virtually no inflation,” Trump said. “They have the highest inflation in 47 years and going much, much higher, which is costing families $6,000 a year. That’s bigger than any tax increase ever proposed.
“And speaking of tax increases, we cut taxes more than any president in the history of the United States: Biggest biggest tax cut in the history of our country.
“And they intend to give the largest tax hike in the history of our country so they can do the Green New Deal and waste a lot of your money. People that don’t even know anything about the environment came up with the idea. Such a hoax — just one of many hoaxes.”
Trump hailed his administration’s response at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and blasted President Joe Biden for his struggles to curb the disease despite being given vaccines to put into action.
“They created unyielding and unsustainable and totally horrific mandates and radical mask regulations — and we did just the opposite, and we had far better success in every single category,” Trump said, adding, “except for public relations.”
“You know, we were too busy working to think about public relations. They do a lousy job except they have a lot of fake news — fake press: these people right back here. They report fake stories all day long.”
Trump also continued his criticism of political persecution and “witch hunt” prosecutions.
“The very same people who piously claimed to be defending democracy are the ones throwing open your borders, surrendering your sovereignty, defunding your police, prosecuting your politicians — like nobody’s ever seen before, by the way,” Trump said, adding, “desecrating your laws, crushing your wages, diluting your vote, and handing your country over millions and millions of illegal foreign nationals — illegal aliens, I would call them — all without your consent.
“You haven’t consented to that. On top of that you, had a fake, phony election.”
Trump added “our elections are a laughingstock,” and vowed the November midterm election and the future 2024 presidential election were going to end the war on police in order to curb raging crime waves.
“Help is on the way,” Trump said. “The reign of defund the police Democrats ends this November — and even more so, it’s going to end in November of 2024.”
Via Newsmax