The corporate media gave little to no coverage of the organic Trump rallies that erupted in cities and towns across America in solidarity with the DC march.
Tens of thousands of Trump supporters flocked to the “Million MAGA March” surrounding the Supreme Court in Washington, DC Saturday. While corporate media did their best to belittle the march by falsely claiming only “hundreds” attended, they similarly gave little to no coverage to the organic Trump rallies that erupted in cities and towns across America yesterday in solidarity with the DC march.
One such event in Marathon County, Wisconsin brought in a crowd of about 150, who gathered at the county courthouse. Despite a cold drizzling rain and slightly above freezing weather, the rural Wisconsinites came out to wave American flags, peel and burn out their Trump flag-waving trucks, and honk their horns in support of the president, demanding a fair and free election.
Since many in the corporate media, the Republican establishment, and the Democrat Party simply don’t understand the purpose of the Trump rallies, here are some Wisconsinites ready to explain.
We are here to “support the president who has been working pretty darn hard for us in the last four years,” said one woman. “And we believe in him. And you know, we the people deserve a fair election and we feel like it’s stolen from us.”
“We don’t need to lie. The truth is so out there,” said another Trump supporter. “They’ve been in for this man for four long years, what a shame. Just get out the truth, get out the truth… that’s all I want.”
“No way we are conceding. Not until every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote and fraudulent vote is not counted,” said a different man who attended the rally.
Those attending the protest expressed deep frustration with corporate media, Democrat politicians, and the Republican establishment, who have written off the MAGA marches and rallies across the country, declaring them an affront to American democracy or too dangerous due to COVID-19.
“Get a backbone,” Julie said to the Republican establishment. “Stand up for us for once and quit sitting. We’re out of our houses, we’re speaking up. We need you now more than ever. Otherwise, we will vote you out.”
To his state and federal representatives, another man looked directly into my iPhone camera and stated: “We’re holding you accountable. We want you to work for us. We’re going to remember what you do and don’t do.”
“They’re caught up in their liberal elitism in Washington,” said another, explaining the disconnect between Trump supporters and the corporate media and Democrat politicians. “They just never go out of their office to find out what the working people, the people from fly-over country, have to represent.”
Folks in Marathon County are proof that Trump has struck a nerve with working Americans in rural “fly-over” America. In September, Trump visited Mosinee, Wisconsin, a papermill town about 20 minutes away from yesterday’s rally. The energy was electrifying.
Marathon Country is an example of areas Trump flipped when he was first elected. Barack Obama won the county in 2008 with 54 percent of the vote compared to John McCain’s 45 percent. In 2016, Trump won with 56 percent of the vote to Hillary Clinton’s 38 percent. This year, Trump took 58 percent of the vote and Biden received 40 percent.
This election proved there is a deep divide between America’s elites and the populist movement of Trump supporters. Look at a map. Rural and small-town America voted overwhelmingly for President Trump. The people who came to these rallies are angry. They believe there is evidence of fraud via mail-in ballots and other anomalies and they are ready to fight for the president.
Trump has transformed the Republican Party into the working-class, multiracial party. If elected Republicans don’t pay attention to their new base, who unabashedly love the president and have reason to suspect fraud, they might find themselves in very tough primaries soon.
Via The Federalist