Was the Capitol incursion an “armed insurrection” as many on the left have been claiming for months?
Not even close.
As it turns out, as many as 38 percent of the so-called “insurrectionists” may have been invited, or at least allowed, into the building by law enforcement officers.
Security footage unveiled by Sen. Ron Johnson on Thursday reveals that over 300 unauthorized individuals entered the Capitol building through the upper West Terrace doorway while five U.S. Capitol Police officers stood nearby.
One officer was even “gesturing toward the doors as these individuals walked past him.”
Usually, armed insurrections don’t start with police officers peacefully inviting the “insurrectionists” inside.
“I think it’s extremely important to create an accurate, historical record of exactly what happened so the false narrative of thousands of armed insurrectionists doesn’t last,” Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, said on Sunday’s episode of “Life, Liberty & Levin.”
“That is why I have my staff going and reviewing the relevant parts of the 14 hours worth of surveillance and we’re finding out some pretty interesting things,” Johnson said.
When host Mark Levin asked Johnson to specify some of those “pretty interesting things,” Johnson revealed that his team counted “up to about 309 people” entering the West Terrace door.
“That’s about how, about 38 percent of the approximately 800 people that entered the Capitol. No confrontation, they just basically walked in the door,” Johnson said.
To further make his point, Johnson also pointed out that many of the supposed “insurrectionists” didn’t exactly behave as one might expect.
“It doesn’t look like an armed insurrection when you have people that breached the Capitol — and I don’t condone it — but they’re staying within the rope lines in the rotunda,” Johnson said.
“That’s not what an armed insurrection would look like.”
Having broken into the Capitol, the protesters are now curiously remaining inside the rope lines. pic.twitter.com/h2iDWHTqsc
— Brad Heath (@bradheath) January 6, 2021
There’s absolutely no doubt that the Capitol rioters were out of line and many of them should face jail time for their actions that day.
But were they attempting an armed coup? Absolutely not.
The politicians and media personalities saying as much are merely bending the truth to push a partisan agenda.
But then again, when it comes to the Democratic/left-wing media establishment, what else is new?