The New York Post made a bold call in a gubernatorial endorsement for Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y. — not only for the GOP primary but the November general election against Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul.
“Lee Zeldin is the best bet for governor to save New York,” the Post editorial board’s bold endorsement headline declared.
“It’s vital that the GOP unite around the June 28 winner,” the editorial concluded. “We all agree on the urgent need to elect a Republican governor to save New York.
“Indeed, every Republican, independent or Democrat who is sick of the state of this state ought to join together this fall to bring back prosperity, pride and sanity to Albany and the people of the Empire State.”
The Post board said “New York state is on the edge of a cliff” and the gubernatorial election in November “may be the last chance to pull it back” from the “corrupting one-party stranglehold” and “suicide pact” of “progressive policies.”
“Residents are fleeing, driven out by raging crime and ever-higher costs of living,” the editorial read. “Progressive policies are making everything worse: disastrous criminal-justice ‘reforms,’ ever-higher taxes, job-killing regulations and an insane ‘climate-action plan’ that guarantees soaring utility bills and regular blackouts.
“Voters are furious. But November offers a real chance to reject the progressive suicide pact and break the corrupting one-party stranglehold on New York.”
While New York has long been a deep blue state, dominated by Democrats in its largest city that overrules the will of the more conservative rural areas, the Post claimed there is “a realistic chance for a Republican governor.”
“The question we’ve focused on is who’s the best choice to not just win, but also who has the experience and determination to deliver the needed revolution in the face of howls of protest from a likely Democrat-controlled Legislature,” the Post continued.
“Rep. Lee Zeldin is our pick.
“Knowing how tough it would be to win in a state where Democrats badly outnumber Republicans, he jumped in early, and decisively, building support across the state and a solid war chest.”
Among the issues the Post backs Zeldin’s policies on — “Zeldin has the best answers on the issues that count”:
- Criminal justice reform, including removing New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg.
- Cut taxes, deregulate, trim spending.
- End ban on fracking.
- Expanding technical job-training programs.
- “Opposes woke indoctrination” in schools.
The Post added it is more important a Republican wins the gubernatorial race than Zeldin himself.
“Though Zeldin is our pick, Rob Astorino and Harry Wilson are fine candidates and far better choices than any on the Democratic side,” the Post wrote. “Andrew Giuliani has passion but lacks experience; if he wants to follow his father in a career in politics, we suggest he start at something smaller.”
Via Newsmax