When one major political party starts labeling the other major political party as a “national security threat”, that should set off major alarm bells because that means that total tyranny is very near. Needless to say, Democrats and Republicans have always had bitter words for one another, but when you start calling the other side a “national security threat” that is taking things to an entirely different level. Al-Qaeda was a “national security threat”, and so we invaded Afghanistan. ISIS was a “national security threat”, and so we bombed them into oblivion. The full weight of U.S. power is often used to “neutralize” national security threats, and so when a former Department of Homeland Security official went on MSNBC and said that the Republican Party is now a more serious national security threat than either Al-Qaeda or ISIS, that sent chills down the spines of a whole lot of people…
Miles Taylor, a former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official, made the comment during a Thursday interview on MSNBC’s “The Reid Out.”
“I’ve spent my whole career not as a political operative. I’ve never worked on a campaign in my life other than campaigning against Trump. I’m a national security guy. I’ve worked in national security against ISIS, al Qaeda and Russia,” Taylor said.
“And the No. 1 national security threat I’ve ever seen in my life to this country’s democracy is the party that I’m in — the Republican Party. It is the No. 1 security national security threat to the United States of America,” he said.
I couldn’t believe that he actually said that.
In the past, members of the Biden administration have labeled certain political subgroups as national security threats, but now Miles Taylor is saying that the entire Republican Party is the number one national security threat that our nation is facing.
Just think about what that means.
When we would capture a member of Al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would ship them off to Guantanamo Bay and torture them for months or even years.
I always spoke out against such torture, because it was morally wrong.
And I knew that eventually the same tactics would be used against Americans.
With each passing day, the U.S. is getting closer and closer to becoming an authoritarian regime. On Friday, we learned that the Biden administration has been regularly working with social media companies to censor the speech of people that are concerned about the safety of the COVID vaccines…
President Biden on Friday accused Facebook of “killing people,” just after White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the Biden administration is “in regular touch” with the platform to ensure correct “narratives” are promoted — elaborating on her Thursday admission that the White House is “flagging problematic posts” for the social media giant to censor.
Social media companies are private entities, and so they can theoretically argue that they have the right to determine what is allowed to be posted on their platforms.
But when the federal government colludes with social media companies to censor speech, that is a crystal clear violation of our First Amendment rights.
As Glenn Greenwald has noted, if you support the Biden administration’s attempts to censor speech on social media platforms, that also makes you an authoritarian…
In an eight-tweet thread posted Thursday afternoon, Greenwald said this idea that a president’s administration can remove content it deems ‘problematic’ is dangerous.
‘If you don’t find it deeply disturbing that the White House is “flagging” internet content that they deem “problematic” to their Facebook allies for removal, then you are definitionally an authoritarian. No other information is needed about you to know that,’ Greenwald tweeted.
Not only is the Biden administration actively involved in censoring speech, they are also specifically demonizing 12 particular individuals that the Biden administration claims are responsible for “65% of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms”…
The White House turned up the pressure on Silicon Valley to get a handle on vaccine misinformation Thursday, specifically singling out 12 people one group dubbed the “disinformation dozen,” saying they were responsible for a great deal of misinformation about Covid-19.
“There’s about 12 people who are producing 65% of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday.
At this point, freedom of speech is virtually a dead right in the United States of America, and that means that all of our other rights are in danger of being completely stripped away as well.
Because once freedom of speech is gone, the government will be free to take away the rest of our rights at their leisure.
Never before in U.S. history have we seen such a massive attempt by one side of the political spectrum to silence the speech of the other side of the political spectrum.
And ultimately, they won’t just be satisfied with shutting people up. In fact, there are some activists that are already wishing death upon their political opponents…
“Let them die,” Fairfax County NAACP First Vice President Michelle Leete said about people against her leftist ideology during a speech to protesters at Luther Jackson Middle School Thursday evening.
Parents and concerned citizens had gathered in Fairfax, Virginia, prior to a school board meeting to protest Fairfax County Public Schools teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT), while others had come to support CRT and the LGBT agenda in schools. It was the final meeting before the school board’s summer break.
There is so much hatred on both sides of the political spectrum right now, and that makes me extremely sad.
As I discuss in my brand new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse”, we are moving into a very troubled chapter in American history, and we are doing so at a time when most people are absolutely filled with rage.
Everywhere you look, people are extremely angry. Our nation has become a tinderbox that can literally erupt in flames at any moment, and we have seen quite a few examples of this over the past year.
We used to be such a civilized country.
What in the world has happened to us?
Freedom is such a precious thing. Previous generations of Americans sacrificed so much to win it for us, and now we are on the verge of losing it for good.