The International Olympic Committee has faced ongoing criticism over its decision to award the 2022 Winter Games to the high-tech, modern-day dystopia that is communist China, attacks that have in no way died down as the Games have panned out.
The Chinese Communist Party did its part to signal to the world that its mistreatment of the Uyghur population is totally not genocide, selecting a Uyghur athlete to light the Olympic torch, which was somehow meant to dispel concerns about all the ethnic minorities holed up in concentration camps in the Xinjiang province.
Well, this hollow gesture, along with the lengthy list of human rights abuses the party stands accused of, has hardly been helped by the fact that, as satellite images recently highlighted, many of the Olympic events are taking place in artificial wintry scenes nestled in a poorly concealed dystopian hellscape.
That’s right — the snow for the Winter Games is entirely fake, as seen in NASA satellite imagery this week.
I knew that this year's Winter Olympics courses were being staged entirely on artificial snow, but this satellite image from last week really drives the point home.
Dry and bare everywhere except the competition venues.
Credit: https://t.co/Fnhx8ja5vo
h/t @DrShepherd2013 pic.twitter.com/y43HKOWEIX
— Dr. Robert Rohde (@RARohde) February 7, 2022
The images, captured on Jan. 28, make the fake snow rather conspicuous in a region that NASA’s website notes typically only gets about 1.3 inches of snow in February.
Time noted that 100 percent artificial snow is a first for the Olympics, although previous Games in New York state; Sochi, Russia; and Pyeongchang, South Korea, have bolstered the natural stuff with fake supplies in the past.
According to Time, Chinese President Xi Jinping vowed to hold a “green, inclusive, open and corruption-free” Games. It appears every part of that pledge is bitterly ironic.
There are allegations of sexism, unfair treatment by judges and horror stories from athletes stuck in Chinese quarantines, and there’s really nothing “green” about wasting a bunch of water to make snow when the Games could have simply been granted to a location where there is actual, natural snow.
Perhaps we’ve got to give the Chinese credit for being “open” — if only because they weren’t afraid to host events right in the middle of the vast, colorless expanse of urban Beijing.
Beijing Olympics ski jump is in middle of dystopian wasteland, shocking photos show https://t.co/rSBIiUnN8c pic.twitter.com/WF0vkOFZ7K
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) February 8, 2022
There’s something bitterly poetic about the ugliness of the bird’s-eye view of Beijing, although it’s hardly as if the fact that it was utterly wrong to award the Olympics to the capital of the world’s most advanced dictatorship was some well-kept secret.
It’s been hard for all of the entities involved to hide the cruel reality that they — Olympic officials and Western corporations carrying water for the regime to broadcast and sponsor the Games — sacrificed any semblance of moral integrity to go along with the whole charade.
History will not remember the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics fondly. We can’t even enjoy them while they’re still taking place.
Via The Western Journal.