Fears are mounting that Democrats now in power in Washington, especially Attorney General Merrick Garland, will bury the crimes of the now-debunked “Russia” collusion conspiracy that party members orchestrated to try to bring down the Donald Trump presidency.
John Durham, formerly the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, also was given by then-Attorney General William Barr the responsibility to find out what crimes were committed during that scandal.
It erupted before the election and was pushed incessantly by Democrats for years after he took office. Ultimately a special counsel’s report found there wasn’t evidence of wrongdoing by the president.
But even to this day some Democrats periodically fall back on their unfounded assertions and charge that Trump somehow wasn’t a “legitimate” president.
In fact, the collusion conspiracy focused on the Steele dossier, a compilation of stories created by a former British agent who used his Russian sources as authenticators for claims that were made up.
His work was funded by the Democrat National Committee and twice-failed Democrat presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.
Durham resigned his prosecutorial position in February, but has remained on duty looking into the allegations about the false reports that were used to fool a federal court into granting the Barack Obama administration permission to spy on Trump associates.
PJMedia now is reporting that while U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., only a month ago was confident the Department of Justice would release Durham’s report, and that prison sentences could be the result for “former senior Obama officials,” that expectation now has changed.
The report said in an interview with Newsmax, Nunes confirmed Garland “seems to be kind of a puppet for the left.”
And he questioned whether the report on illegal activities would end up “buried.”
During his confirmation hearing, Garland wouldn’t make promises of transparency.
The report pointed out that Trump “has been suspicious about the fate of the Durham report for some time now. In May, he released a statement simply asking, ‘Where’s Durham – whatever happened to the Durham Report?'”
Nunes previously confirmed there were 14 criminal referrals made to the DOJ – and that means 14 different criminal referrals involving multiple individuals.
WND previously reported one of the new lawyers hired by Joe Biden to work in the DOJ had blasted Durham’s work.
The DOJ’s own inspector general earlier confirmed that more than a dozen major errors and omissions were made by the FBI in that case, in which intel agencies falsely alleged there was evidence of campaign collusion with Russia.
In fact, the special Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court rescinded two of the documents that it had issued earlier allowing the Obama administration operatives to spy on Trump’s campaign.
Now, the Free Beacon reports that Susan Hennessey, appointed as general counsel of the DOJ’s national security division, publicly has criticized Durham’s work.
She has, in the past, charged that the probe is “partisan silliness,” the report said.
On social media, a statement that later was deleted confirmed she said, “I guess this kind of partisan silliness has become characteristic of [then-Attorney General William’] Barr’s legacy, but unclear to me why Durham would want to go along with it.”