Keith Kellogg, a onetime national security adviser to former President Donald Trump and ex-Vice President Mike Pence, recently backed up Trump’s long-standing claim that the National Guard had been offered to U.S. Capitol Police days before the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol.
When he retweeted a Washington Times Opinion tweet covering congressional investigations and taxpayer transparency, Kellogg dropped this nugget on July 29.
The retweet-text: “Great OpEd. Reinforces my earlier comment on 6 Jan Cmte. Has quote from DOD IG Report regarding 3 Jan 2021 meeting with Actg Def Secy Miller/CJCS Milley in the Oval on the 6 Jan NG request by POTUS on troops needed. I was in the room.”
Kellogg, whose book “War by Other Means” covers the Trump presidency in great detail, presumably tweeted that he has a quote from the Department of Defense’s inspector general regarding the January 3, 2021, meeting with Trump acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley.
The Oval Office meeting was about a National Guard request by Trump regarding troops needed for the upcoming rally on Jan. 6.
And on July 27, Kellogg tweeted the following:
“To be clear on 6 Jan/NG. Pg 199 of my book, ‘On 3 Jan the President asked the Def Dept to deploy NG troops’ into DC for J6 contingencies. OK for J6 Cmte to publicly release my full sworn testimony. Release Army Guard and DC Mayor J6 testimonies as well. Would be illuminating.”
Kellogg presumably revealed that then-President Trump had discussed deploying the Guard to Washington before January 6, 2021. Kellogg was also granting the House Jan. 6 panel permission to release his sworn testimony in full.
If Kellogg’s firsthand assessments can be verified, this would likely debunk a number of media reports claiming then-President Trump had little interest in securing the National Guard’s services at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
It might also call House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., into question, in terms of why she didn’t approve a stronger police presence at the Capitol that day.
DailyAngle.com and Just the News recently chronicled a text exchange from January 2, 2021, between Pentagon official Carol Corbin and Capitol Police Acting Chief of Uniformed Operations Chief Sean Gallagher.
According to the publications’ timeline, Corbin reached out “to determine whether [Capitol Police] is considering a request for National Guard soldiers for January 6, 2021 event.”
The following morning, Gallagher responded by saying the request for National Guard support was “not forthcoming at this time after consultation with COP Sund,” referring to Steven Sund, chief of the Capitol Police.
Later, Sund reportedly had a change of heart and sought permission on January 4, 2021, from the sergeants at arms for Pelosi and then-Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., “to deploy the National Guard as a preventive measure.”
Just the News then reported: “The official timeline shows the new request was denied. The sergeants at arms advised Sund ‘to contact General Walker at DC National Guard to discuss the guard’s ability to support a request if needed.'”
Via Newsmax
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