President Joe Biden pushed back against the speculation of Democrats wanting him to step aside at the end of his term in January 2025, claiming there’s plenty of intra-party support for a reelection bid.
“[Democrats] want me to run,” Biden said Tuesday night when asked about his 2024 plans at the end of the White House’s Congressional Picnic.
Biden then added, “Read the polls. Read the polls. You [reporters] are all the same. That poll showed that 92% of Democrats, if I ran, would vote for me.”
President Biden was likely citing numbers from a New York Times-Siena College poll that showed 92% of Democrats would vote for him — if the 2024 presidential election were held today, and the major party choices entailed Biden (Democrat) and former President Donald Trump (Republican).
It’s interesting that Biden cited polls in his media response.
Covering the last month, a litany of surveys have placed President Biden in trouble with American voters, when judging “favorability” and “consumer confidence,” along with major-policy decisions involving the economy, gas and food prices, 40-year highs with inflation, and immigration.
One poll from two weeks ago had Biden at the lowest approval rating of his presidency; and another survey had Biden “underwater” in 48 different states.
Also, for that same New York Times-Siena College poll referenced earlier, a different survey revealed 64% of Democrats would prefer a different candidate for the Democratic National Committee’s presidential nomination in 2024.
And among young Democrats, ages 18-29, a staggering 94% of respondents favor a new presidential hopeful two years from now.
The survey results broke three days after New York Times chief White House correspondent, Peter Baker, wrote that Biden’s age, 79, had become “an uncomfortable issue for him, his team, and his party.”
Citing the Times-Siena poll again, Biden owns a 3-point advantage over former President Trump in a hypothetical 2024 matchup.
However, that blanket poll doesn’t cover Electoral College specifics, in terms of breaking down the numeric value of various states.
For example, it’s commonly accepted there are more registered Democrats than Republicans in the United States; but a large percentage of that differential reside in dark-blue states, such as New York, California, and Illinois.
Biden, who turns 80 in November, is already the oldest president in American history.
Via Newsmax