Joe Biden boasted of an ability to bring “unity” to the nation during his presidential campaign and since occupying the Oval Office.
However, his policies on nearly every issue, including immigration, the economy, the Supreme Court and foreign relations, have failed to draw bipartisan support.
But now there’s a Biden issue on which Americans are unified, with a huge majority agreeing that his son, Hunter Biden, should be the subject of a special counsel investigation.
The poll by TIPP Insights found 68% support the appointment of a special counsel.
That included 42% who agreed strongly and 26% who agreed somewhat.
The survey found agreement from 65% of Democrats, 85% of Republicans and 66% of independents.
The question posed to Americans adults was: “President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and President Biden’s brother, James Biden, are allegedly under federal investigation for tax and financial matters. Do you agree or disagree that Attorney General Merrick Garland should appoint a special counsel to manage their cases independently of the Biden administration?”
Paul Bedard, in his “Washington Secrets” column, pointed out that Joe Biden “hasn’t had much luck or made much of an effort in making good on his call for unity. But his son Hunter has.”
The poll, he said, “is bad news for the Bidens.”
TIPP said Democrats “may want to see the Bidens acquitted by an independent counsel to find closure on the issue; Republicans may see the issue as presenting a window of opportunity to study Biden family affairs. ”
“Either way, the public has clearly stated they support the appointment of a special counsel,” the polling company said .
Hunter Biden announced last December that he was under investigation by the Justice Department regarding his taxes after scandals that included a lucrative board position with a Ukrainian company while his father in charge of Ukraine policy; China deals that included payoffs to the “big guy,” identified by a partner as Joe Biden; a huge payment from the wife of the Moscow mayor and more.
“I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs,” he said at the time. “I take this matter very seriously but I am confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of professional tax advisors.”
Former Attorney General Bill Barr rejected the need for a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, saying it was being handled “responsibly and professionally.”
However, now the attorney general is a member of Joe Biden’s Cabinet, creating a conflict of interest.
TechnoMetrica conducted The TIPP Poll, an online survey from March 31 to April 3 that sampled 1,436 Americans, 18 or older.
Via Wnd