A majority of Republican voters say a new Patriot Party is a good idea.
The movement for a new political party started after Republicans threw President Trump and his supporters under the bus following the 2020 election. This was the last straw for many Trump voters. The Republican Party has become so weak over the past several decades that Democrats were unworried as they stole a landslide election from President Trump and gave it to a mumbling dementia patient in a basement.
If President Trump approves of a Patriot Party it would immediately make the Republican Party a third place party.
For the record… The Trump Team distanced itself from the Patriot Party on Monday. The former president’s campaign committee, Donald J Trump for President, disavowed claims by a new political action committee (PAC) called the Patriot party, that the two were part of a joint fundraising campaign.
Rasmussen reported:
While advisers to Donald Trump have denied this week that the former president is planning to organize a third party, most Republican voters think a separate Trump party would be a good idea.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds that 53% of GOP voters say it’s a good idea for Trump to start a third party. Thirty percent (30%) of Republicans say a third party would be a bad idea and 17% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)