Buyer’s remorse is that sinking feeling people get when they’ve made an impulse decision or purchase, and reality hits. It can bring on cold sweats from the possible trouble coming, and worse.
And that’s what one-fifth of the likely voters now have about their decision to support Joe Biden for president, according to a new poll from Zogby Analytics.
“On the surface it doesn’t seem like much, especially if you look at the three quarters of likely voters who did not regret their vote; 4% were not sure how they felt,” the polling company reported.
“Why does this matter? If you take into consideration the size of the electorate, and how the last two presidential elections (2016 and 2020) were decided by tens of thousands of votes in a handful of battleground states, this could really hurt President Biden’s chances in 2024,” the report said.
“One still gets the sense his ship is sinking fast, and he might not have any lifeboats aboard to save him. Biden’s low approval numbers, the botched withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, and inflation eating away the purchasing power of Americans are the president’s biggest problems now.”
Those problems are not the only ones, however. He’s created a crisis on the southern border by canceling the various immigration policies instituted by President Trump, such as the border wall construction. Biden tried to cancel Trump’s successful “Remain in Mexico” program, but was stopped by the courts.
He’s allowed inflation to surge, hitting Americans in their pockets every day as they purchase food and fuel. He’s turned an energy exporting nation into one dependent on foreign supply chains.
He’s tried to foist upon the republic a government program to run all elections, he wants taxes raised massively, he is demanding an abortion-for-all agenda be supported, his supporters openly have opined about the destruction of the Supreme Court with a “packing” program, and more.
And that’s above and beyond the evidences of senility, or dementia, he’s exhibited. Just this week he confessed he couldn’t respond to a question because his mind had “gone blank.” Nor does it account for the many, many scandals that have come to the president through his son, Hunter.
Zogby said “some very important groups, who normally lean left and Democrat” had significant regrets for their support for Biden, whose victory in 2020, in fact, could be attributed to a few thousands of votes out of the 150 million plus who reportedly voted, spread across a handful of swing states.
Biden reportedly got 80 million votes in 2020, but taking away 20%, or 16 million, would have left President Trump with a landslide victory.
In fact, a survey just months ago, commissioned by the Media Research Center, found one in six Biden voters in seven swing states said they would not have voted for the Democrat if they had been aware of one or more of the news stories presented to them.
The poll, conducted by The Polling Company, asked voters about eight news stories that “the liberal news media had failed to cover properly.”
MRC concluded a “shift of this magnitude would have changed the outcome in all six of the swing states won by Joe Biden.”
The poll found 82% of Biden voters were unaware of at least of the one news items and 5% were unaware of all of them.
The poll, conducted online Nov. 9-18, surveyed 1,750 Biden voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
“The most basic principle of our electoral system is that our leaders are chosen by the people themselves,” MRC said. “But if the people are given systematically one-sided information, with crucial facts omitted, then the real power to choose has been stolen from them.”
Five of the eight stories were about Trump accomplishments that were suppressed by media.
The percentage of Biden voters who were not aware of each of the following news stories:
- (45.1%) Hunter Biden’s financial dealings with foreign countries
- (49%) Third quarter annualized GDP growth of 33.1% – the highest rate of growth ever
- (39.4%) The creation of more than 11 million new jobs May-September 2020
- (43.5%) The negotiation of multiple peace agreements between Arab nations and Israel and the subsequent Nobel Peace Prize nominations
- (35.4%) The sexual assault accusation against Joe Biden from the 1990s
- (25.3%) Sen. Kamala Harris being rated the most left-wing senator, even to the left of Sen. Bernie Sanders
- (36.1%) The $10 billion Operation Warp Speed public-private partnership to expedite the development and production of COVID-19 treatments and vaccines
- (50.5%) The U.S. achieving energy independence under President Trump.
Zogby said, “When we drill down and look at the demographics of the surveyed voters, some very important groups, who normally lean left and Democrat, were even more regretful about voting for the president in 2020. For example, younger voters aged 18-29 (27% yes/67% no/6% not sure) and middle aged voters aged 30-49 (30% yes/67% no/4% not sure) were much more likely to regret voting for Biden than older voters aged 50-64 (10% yes/87% no/3% not sure) and 65+ (6% yes/91% no/3% not sure).”
It explained nearly 30% of Republicans regretted voting for Biden, and 20% of Democrats did the same.
Significant numbers of men, 27%, Hispanics, 33%, and African-Americans, 25%,, also regretted supporting Biden.
“Some of the consumer subgroups we track also expressed regret voting for Biden, such as, weekly Walmart shoppers (27% yes/69% no/4% not sure), weekly Amazon shoppers (29% yes/68% no/3% not sure) and likely voters who had invested money in cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin (44% yes/53% no/3% not sure),” the poll said.
The online results come from a survey of 2,173 Biden voters. Based on a confidence interval of 95%, the margin of error for 2,173 is +/- 2.1 percentage points.
Via Wnd